Thank you for your submission!

Congratulations on being part of a Sisters Grimm and INALA project!

If you would like to upload another entry, click here

All eligible artworks will go through to the next stage of the competition and feature in our online gallery.

We will email you once your artwork has been reviewed, providing further details on how to obtain your Certificate of Participation.

The final music video featuring selected artworks will be released on our YouTube channel on Tuesday 10th of May in honour of Nelson Mandela’s release from prison and the 30th anniversary of his inauguration as the first black president of South Africa following the end of the Apartheid regime.

Until then follow us on our social media platforms for updates and more inspiring activities.

Instagram: @artinnatureglobal, @pietraandellashows
Facebook: @ArtInNatureSG, @sistersgrimmltd
Twitter: @EllaPietra, @ArtInNatureSG
LinkedIn: @sisters-grimm-ltd, @art-in-nature-global

Explore more of our impactful projects:

Looking forward, we are thrilled to announce the relaunch of our Grammy-nominated show, Inala – A Zulu Ballet. For more details on this socially relevant show’s relaunch, CLICK HERE:

If you have any questions please email and we’ll get back to you asap!

All our Best wishes